Saturday 9 August 2014

The Liebster Award!

Hey there guys, I'm here with a cool little tag today called The Liebster Award. I was nominated by the lovely Hattie (go check out her awesome little blog where she also did this tag), I've always wanted to do a little tag/questions post on my blog, so here it is guys, hope you enjoy it! -P.s: Rules will be at the bottom of the post. 

11 random facts about me!

1. I've lived in France for 10 years.
2. I am a big geek deep down, I love to play computer games, especially League of Legends, I have been playing it for over a year now and spend my spare time playing it with my boyfriend and his brothers aswell as mine. But when I was about 10/11 I would spend my time playing Might and Magic with my sister, it was the best game ever! I even repurchased it about a year ago but the graphics were too bad to play haha.
3. I have been on the hunt for a little ginger kitten for my new place in September but everyone I have found has been reserved or rehomed already, and now my hopes of finding one is going right down! :(
4. I hate every little bug/creature that has at least 2 legs or wings. Apart from butterflies, but pretty much everything else I can't stand, they creep me out soooooo much with their little legs and weird bodys, just ewwwww!
5. I don't like coffee.
6. My favourite colour is pink.
7. I have been going out with my boyfriend for 44 months and I have never been happier.
8. I have a very sweet tooth, I love anything with lots of sugar and that is sweet.
9. I LOVE penguins, they are my favourite animal, especially the cute little fluffy grey ones, oh ma gawd, they are so adorable and cuuute (excuse me for my craziness here, but come on, penguins, please, just look at them) I've always wanted my own pet penguin but I know that is impossible (boohoo) so I've decided that I want to own my own zoo and have a big penguin section and I get to look after them everyday! :D
10. I don't have a camera anymore as my makeup remover spilt all in my handbag where my camera was and didn't realise 'til the next morning when it was too late to save it -Damn Paige, why do you not own a case for your camera? Argh. 
11. I got to University in France and I study English, Spanish, Law and Economy, not that I am enjoying being there anymore, it's nothing like school.. and yes as much as I wasn't keep on school, I'd rather be back there instead of where I am now. Ouch. 

Hattie's questions :

1.What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
*Ouh this is a hard one to start off with haha, I can't decide between strawberry or caramel! 
2. What's your favourite thing about blogging?
*Just being able to write about things that I love and just being able to type whatever is on my mind at that time, getting stuff off my mind.. I also love just looking through tons of different blogs and learning cool new stuff! 
3. If you could meet one famous person in the street, who would it be?
*It would either have to be Enrique iglesias or Beyonce cos she has one hell of a voice and I love her songs!
4. What's your favourite thing to do on a rainy day?
*It would either have to be cuddling up to my boyfriend whilst watching a film or just snuggling up in bed and listening to music. :)
5. What's your favourite thing to do on a sunny day?
*Going for a long walk in the countryside with my boyfriend or a nice bike ride.
6. If you could remove one thing from the world, what would it be?
*Mhm this is a tough one, there isn't really much that I would like to remove but I would like to change quite a few things.. Mhm ok so if I could remove one thing it would have to be, fear, if that was possible cos I don't really think it is haha! Weird answer maybe but yeah.. I guess fear is just a wall, it stops people from doing what they want, fear is a @*/$@#. We all have fear, I fear a lot of things, I get scared to do stuff because of what people may think or I would be too scared to jump out of a plane or something like that even though it seems really cool and I would love to just glide through the sky like that I would love it, but fear, fear of I don't even know, is there, stopping me from actually doing it.. I don't know if you guys are the same but I just get this feeling that everyone has a fear or something like that..
7. Do you have any pets?
*Nope, not anymore, but I did used to have 2 rabbits, 1 guinea-pig, 4 cats and a fat goldfish x).
8. What is the best thing that has happened to you this summer?
*Getting to see my dad who lives in England who I don't often see. I love spending time with him as I do miss him so much and I cherish every moment spent with him. He's like a little role model to me and I am like him in so many ways haha, such a little daddy's girl! :x
9. Favourite TV show?
*Baggage hunters or come dine with me, you gotta love those shows, although, come dine with me can get annoying sometimes, all depends on the people on there haha.
10. What are your favourite toppings for a pizza?
*Pepperoni and ham.. Mhmmmm, that's making me want pizza so much haha
11. Do you have a favourite saying or quote that you try to live by?
*Mhm.. I'd say that my favourite saying is probably a short but sweet one : ''Do what makes you happy'' (I actually did a little blog post about this a while back) I don't know, I just like this saying because you should do what makes you happy, because at the end of the day, if you don't do it you'll regret it and you should never live with regrets. Being happy is the whole point of life, so girl, get up and do it, do what makes you happy, even if it's something that you think is impossible because anything is possible. (Wow I feel like I used a few little sayings in here that I live by haha).

My questions :

1. What is your favourite song at the moment?
2. What is your biggest pet peeve?
3. Where would you go for your dream holiday?
4. If you could do anything you wanted, anything, for one day, what would it be?
5. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
6. What is your guilty pleasure?
7. Silver or gold jewellery?
8. What's your favourite fruit?
9. Dogs or cats?
10. What's your favourite season of the year? And why?
11. Heels or flats?

11 people I tag :

Ok so I know I am meant to tag 11 bloggers with less than 500 subscribers, but I am going to not go by the rules cos I'm such a rebel you know haha and say that I am going to tag everyone that comes onto my blog, yep, everyone, even you there, yes you! So I want you guys to leave me a comment to let me know that you are going to do it so I can come and check your answers out. Plus, I think this will help me discover new blogs, I love finding new people on here, I learn so many cool new things, tips, recipes.. I love it! Anyways, down below will be the rules (that I didnt 100% follow!).

The 'very important' rules :

1. Post the award on your blog
2. Thank the blogger who presented you with the award and link back to their blog
3. Write 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 500 followers.
5. Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions. 

(I'm surprised that after all these number 11 things that there isn't 11 different rules haha! -Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Thanks for answering my questions!
