Tuesday 5 August 2014

Argan Oil Night Repair Serum

Hey guys, today I come to you with the cheapest yet one of the most amazing skin care products ever! So, when I was last in England I popped into Poundland, you got to love the pound shops, you can always find something good in there and I had a quick look in the beauty/hair isle and this little gem just caught my eye. 'Argan Oil' was written in big on the front of the bottles and I love anything with Argan oil in it as it is so good for you, so I just couldn't resist picking it up and checking it out and buying it. So this is the Argan Oil night repair serum with Moroccan Argan oil extract and it's got an intensive revitalising formula. It helps repair and rejuvenate leaving smooth and healthy skin (sorry I just repeated what it said on the bottle haha) So my skin is kinda sensitive when it comes to face products, my skin doesn't always react well with some and they end up breaking me out which is so annoying, especially when it's using a face wash that is meant to help clear spots, I know, it makes no sense haha, so when it came to buying this product I thought to myself that I was going to end out breaking out as it's a product from the pound shop.. but I was completely wrong! This product has worked wonders and is so worth that one little pound! It has a little pipette on the end to get the product out and it's a mega cheap dupe for the Estee Lauder night repair serum (as you can tell by the picture below the bottles are pretty similar). I apply this product nearly ever night after washing and cleansing my face just before I go to bed and the next morning I wake up with my face feeling extra smooth and healthy glowing. I have quite oily skin and I know you'd think that putting this oily serum on my face will make it worse but trust me it doesn't, this product is great for people with dry skin and for oily skin. I also have a feeling that this product will last me quite a while, just wish I bought more bottles of it when I was over incase they stopped stocking them when I'm next in England.

So guys, I suggest you rush out to your nearest Poundland shop and go grab one, cos you are missing out on one amazing and essential product. You won't be disappointed!


  1. Great post!
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award over on my blog! You can see the details there

  2. Hey, thanks, sounds cool, I'll go check it out! :) x
