Hey guys, so today I am here with my 2015 goals. I have seen a lot of people do this and thought it would be great to share mine with you. I'm not always the best with new years resolutions and never really end up sticking to them, but I'm pretty sure I am not the only one. This year, I really want to sort my life out and stop worrying about everything, and I really hope that I will be able to do that and stick to my new year goals. So here are my 6, 2015 goals :
1. Become more organised. So, if you knew me in real life, you would say that I am definitely not the most organised person in the world. When I see all these people who have everything organised I kind of get a bit jealous haha, wishing I could be as organised as them. When I was younger I was actually more organised than I am now, which to me seems a bit weird, as I would think it would be the other way round. I always say to myself 'Tomorrow, I am going to sort everything out and start being organised', the next day comes and still nothing changes. But this time, I know (well, hope) that it's going to be different.
2. Eat healthier and do a bit of exercise. Ok so first of all I am not going to lie and say I want to get fit and I'm going to give up junk food and exercise and work out all the time, like everyone else says, because I know that is never going to happen, I am not a very sporty person and I love my food too much (even though I am quite a fussy person). BUT, I do want to cut down on my 'junk food' snacks and exercise a bit more and do some yoga. I love chocolate and crisps and sweet things, and I know I will never be able to stop eating them, but I will definitely cut down, like treat myself to some chocolate or sweets every few days, twice a week maybe (this will also save me money!). I also want to start running a few times a week, I started to do this last summer with my boyfriend, when we were round our parents as they live in the countryside, and running there in the summer is beautiful, but now we live in a town it's not as nice, but there is a little park that's not even a minute walk from us so we thought that we could start running around there. We both love going for bike rides in the summer and we will continue doing that when we go back to our parents in the summer holidays. The other day I bought a Yoga book in the sale and thought it would be a great thing to do a few mornings a week and a smoothie maker as I absolutely love smoothies and I think I will have one every morning for breakfast in the summer.
3. Try new things. Ok, so I am not always the most adventurous person and I tend to get quite scared when it comes to trying new stuff, especially food. So, as I said above I can be quite a fussy eater, I can eat for 3 people if it's food that I like, but when it comes to something new, that I don't like the look of I instantly fear it and don't want to try it haha. My boyfriend always tries his best to make me try new things and thanks to him I have actually learnt to like things I never used to, but there are still plenty of things that I refuse to try. So for him, and for me, I am going to try more, I mean, it won't harm me right?
4. Save money. I am not the best with money, I always end up spending more than I should, and most of the time on things I don't even need. Me and my boyfriend are meant to be going on holiday to America in a couple of years and to be honest, I haven't actually saved any money up for it yet, oopps. So yes, one of my biggest goals this year is to save money and not spend it on things that I don't really need and are not necessary.
5. Find a job. Yes, I need to find a job. At the moment I am currently at University in France, but to be honest, I am not really enjoying it that much, and I think I would much rather have a job and start getting proper money and get some work experience and meet new people and just discover the world of work. I have a feeling that this isn't going to be the easiest one of them all, but I am definitely going to try and find one before summer.
6. Do more for other people. This is just a little on I am going to add on, and I think that this is a very important one. I love my boyfriend and my family and friends and sometimes I don't always do the best at helping them or doing stuff for them when they need it or don't even ask. I feel that we should all be grateful for every loving person we have in our life and I feel like I need to do more for these people in my life and show them that I will always be there for them when they need it.
Hope you guys enjoyed this little post and I would love to know one of your 2015 goals in the comments down below. :)