Thursday, 14 May 2015

Quote of the week..♡

Hey guys! I've decided to start a new little thing on my blog called ''Quote of the week'' which is where each week I will post an inspirational quote that means a lot to me, or that fits in with my life at that time, and I will just write about what that quote means to me and why it inspires me. I love quotes, especially the ones that have a lot of meaning and that I can relate to. I also love motivational ones. If you have read some of my posts before you would know that my all time favourite quote is ''Do more of what makes you happy''. I just feel like this is a saying that everyone should live by.
Anyways, lets get on to this weeks quote! 

So, I can easily say I am a worrier. I worry about everything, small things, big things and things that aren't even worth worrying about. I always have been one since a very young age. And I can honestly say it's something about myself that I highly dislike. I always have butterflies in my stomach and weird feelings inside my body from worrying.. I'm not even kidding. 

Worrying has always been something that I have done, but it has been an even bigger part of me for a few months now. University, having my own place, money, life decisions.. it all just makes me worry too much and I end up being pretty miserable. (not what I want to be when the sun is shinning and the warmer weather is here). Luckily for me, I have my amazing boyfriend to help me through these things and who reminds me to stop worrying about everything because no matter what we will always be happy.

Worrying does get in the way and stops me from doing things I want to do, or want to say or want to wear. I also worry a lot about making the wrong decisions. I can NEVER make a decision or make up my mind, because I always worry about making the wrong one. And lately I have had to make many important decisions, life changing ones, and it hasn't been easy. I haven't been a happy bunny and I haven't been the best me. 

Seeing this quote reminds me to smile. Reminds me that I shouldn't have to worry. And I shouldn't, because I know that whatever I choose to do or whatever decision I make, I will always be surrounded by the people I love and who love me back. I am not always going to make the right decision, but I shouldn't worry about making the wrong one, I shouldn't get upset and sad.. I should be happy, stay happy. 

Stop worrying and be happy.. 


  1. I worry too, it's not good for my complexion haha. I usually take a deep breath, and leave things to happen as they are supposed to. No point worrying sometimes. I like this idea of quote of the day :)

    Pam Scalfi♥

  2. Love this post! I can relate to it so much, I go through these phases where I worry about everything and it's so disheartening xx

    1. Awh thanks! :) Yeah it is very disheartening, just gotta keep your chin up and smile! :) x

    2. I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award over on my blog :) no worries if you don't feel like doing it though! xx

  3. I have so many favorite quotes, and I love this one! Simple but very true!


  4. i love this quote! i worry quite a lot but am trying not to

    from helen at

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  5. Great post! I'm like that too, I always worry about what to say and wear... This is a great quote to remember. :D

  6. Perfect post. I like it a lot. :)

  7. Beautiful post, if only I could live my life by this quote!:')

    // xx

  8. I personally love this quote! thanks for sharing :)

  9. Love this, such a nice and gentle reminder x
    Jess x
