Hey guys! Sorry haven't posted for a couple of weeks, but I have had the flu and then had a few exams at Uni, and so today I am back with the Liebster Award, which I was nominated for before my little break so sorry for the delay. I was nominated by two people and so I have put the two sets of questions in this one post (so sorry if it's a bit long), thanks to the lovely Regina (Her blog here) and Sian (Her blog here).
The rules :
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Answer the questions from the nominator.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
4. Create 11 new questions.
5. Notify your nominees through social media.
Before I start to answer the questions, I like not sticking to the rules (rebel or not haha), instead of nominating 11 bloggers, I am going to nominate everyone who reads this post if you haven't already done the Liebster Award. Feel free to do it or not, it's all up to you guys! :)
So, here are my answers! :
#1 What is your favourite animal?
My favourite animal is definitely a penguin, it has been that since I was very small, was a big fan of Pingu (do any of you remember that x)?) and ever since then, I have just been a huge fan of penguins. The little fluffy baby ones are so cute! I have so many penguin teddies in my room, I have no where to put them haha! If you could have penguins as a pet, I would definitely get one.
#2 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Mhm.. It definitely wouldn't be England or France, even though I love these two countries I have lived in, but I would definitely love to move somewhere else. I'm not too sure where it would be, but one day I want to travel the world and explore new countries, and maybe after that I would choose where I would love to live.
#3 What is your favourite brand of make-up?
I don't really have a favourite brand of make-up to be honest, I love trying new ones all the time, but I can say that at the moment I have been loving Bourjois.#4 Choose one - Internet access or make up?
Hard choice.. but I would probably say internet access just because internet lets you do all sorts of things and is just so handy. Plus, I love to geek and without internet I wouldn't be able to haha!
#5 What is your favourite blog to read atm?
I don't have a favourite one, I get inspired by all different ones and I just love discovering new blogs to read as every blog is different and I learn new things from every different one I read. #6 What is your favourite thing to do?
My favourite thing to do is spending time with my boyfriend, doing anything really.. whether it be geeking, cooking, eating, going for walks, snuggling up on the sofa with him, with a bar of chocolate and a cup of tea in front of a film.
#7 What is your dream in life?
My dream in life is to just be happy, til the end of time.
#8 Who is your favourite singer?
My favourite singer at the moment is probably.. Sam Smith or Future.
#9 Can you speak more than one language?
Yep. I can speak fluent French, I have studied Spanish for 6 years and I can speak Portuguese.
#10 Do you have any pets?
I used to always have pets, but since I have moved out from my parents I no longer have any. But, I am looking into getting a pet in the next couple of months, just not too sure whether to get a cat, a guinea pig, hamster or dwarf rabbit yet.
#11 What is the best present you have ever received?
Hard question as I love all my presents I receive.. but in the last few years but favourite present has been the Emerald necklace and earring set my boyfriend bought me for Christmas the other year, they are so beautiful and delicate and I am so thankful for it.
♥ . ♥ . ♥ . ♥
1. How did you decide on the name of your blog?
At the time I didn't really know what to call it.. I was kinda stuck on names and so I just decided to put my first and middle name as the name of my blog.
2. Who is your fashion inspiration?
To be honest, no one is my fashion inspiration. I just get inspired from a lot of different random people.
3. What's your dream job?
I don't have a dream job, I'm kinda in that period where I am just stuck on ideas of what I want to do as a job.. when I was a bit younger I always wanted to be a photographer but I kinda knew that it wasn't really going to go anywhere so now, I'm a bit lost.. Although I do know that my dream job would be where I get to work from home, or maybe at a Zoo.. I would love looking after the animals, especially the penguins haha!
4. Your favourite song to relax to?
Most of the time, I just type into Youtube 'Relaxing music' or something like that and it comes up with these hour long videos with relaxing music, no singing and it's perfect.
5. Favourite hobby?
Geeking on League of Legends. Or eating, if that can be accepted as a hobby haha!
6. Biggest celebrity crush?
Don't have one.
7. Where would your ideal house be.
Again, similar to Question 2 from the first list of questions. I'm not too sure yet, til I have visited a few different countries.
8. What's the first thing on your wishlist?
A new bag, not too sure which one yet as I haven't found the perfect one but I hope to find it soon as I am in need of a new bag!
9. Where would your dream holiday destination be?
The Maldives. Such a beautiful and peaceful place.. Me and my Boyfriend are definitely planning to go there one day.
10. What's your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is being alone. I hate being alone.. For some reason if I am on my own, going somewhere for example, I panic and get scared, I just don't feel safe.
11. Who inspires you to blog?
Every blog I have read, every single different one.
My 11 questions for the people I nominate : ♥
1. What was your first makeup product you ever used or owned?
2. Favourite meal?
3. Cats of dogs?
4. The worst beauty product you have ever tried?
5. Phone or Laptop?
6. Your favourite shop?
7. What is your favourite thing to do to cheer yourself up when you are feeling down?
8. What is your favourite film of all time?
9. What item/thing or person could you not live without?
10. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
11. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Enjoy answer the questions guys! ♥